Tips For Making Your Portrait “Photography Session” a Success

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By WalterThornton

Portrait photography is like being on a roller coaster ride of emotions. After a successful session, you feel great and in control. Then the crash hits. You can be left doubting your ability as a photographer when you have moments of self-doubt or photography sessions that go sour. Even the most talented photographers can experience it.

We want each session to be a memorable experience for our clients. Although you cannot control everything about your session, there are some things you can do that will ensure that every session is a success.

1.Educate your Clients to help them Prepare better

Your clients will be more ready for the session Relation Photography if they are well prepared. The first inquiry is the most important step in getting your portrait clients ready. Set the tone for what your clients can expect from their photography session.

It is a good idea for you to find out what your client’s concerns are before the session. This will allow you to address them before they even consider asking.

2.Visualize Your Photography Session 

Although it may sound silly, visualizing your session can make sure your session runs smoothly. Consider the location and the areas you wish to use. Think about which poses and compositions of photography will best suit your client and location.

You can create a plan in your head of how the session will flow. Also, which poses flow naturally from each other?

A plan and a map of the photography session can help you stay calm and focused on what is important.

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2. Do not Start Shooting Right Away

Try to imagine yourself as your client. This is often the first time you meet your client in person. You are not only a stranger, but you will also be posing a camera to their faces and asking them to act natural.

Before you jump into the actual session, spend some time talking to your clients. Talk to them about their day. Take a walk around the area and ask about their experiences. Or just have a casual conversation. It will make the photography session more enjoyable if you get them comfortable before taking out your camera.

4. Be an Expert

  • Clients have chosen you because of your expertise. They trust you and your work.
  • It is important to take control of the session and lead it.

To make clients feel at ease, be friendly and approachable. Don’t be afraid of explaining to them what your doing and what you want. I’ve been known to pose for clients or make a fool of myself to get them laughing.